Описание Harley Davidson by Drawing Hand v.6.16.1
Harley Davidson by Drawing Hand v.6.16.1
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Скринсэйвер, демонстрирующий художника (вернее его руку) за работой. В данной версии рисует мотоцикл Harley Davidson.Очень даже занятно смотрится.Смотри так же Drawing Hand Screen Saver (Dream Girl Edition) и Praying Hands .Watch as an artists hand draws a classic Harley Davidson motorcycle.This is one of over 150 drawings that the screen saver can draw.It draws animals, people, holiday themes, fine art and more.You can also create your own drawings for the hand to draw with the ArtStudio add-on.You can actually learn to draw by watching this screen saver.This is a very relaxing, educational and interesting screen saver that never gets old.