Описание The Panic Button v.
The Panic Button v.
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Эта утилита быстро "прячет" содержимое вашего экрана по нажатию горячей клавиши или щелчку мыши.Вы можете настроить что именно надо скрыть и что делать со скрытыми окнами - закрыть или только спрятать...Quickly and easily make what is on your computer screen disappear without a trace.Then restore it later without losing anything; you can start again just where you left off.Just a keypress, mouse click or our unique screenwipe is all that is needed to keep your private data from prying eyes! The Panic Button is the ideal application for anybody concerned about privacy when using their computer in an environment where others may overlook their screen. * Keep personal matters private when at work * Avoid your children viewing unsuitable material * Guard commercial secrets * Hide or close applications instantly * Hidden windows do not show on taskbar/applications list * Optional password protection * Stealth Mode * Define windows to ignore or open new application * FREE 30-DAY TRIAL