Описание ReaGallery Pro v.2.42.4
ReaGallery Pro v.2.42.4
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Утилита для быстрого создания HTML галерей, слайдшоу и альбомов.Не требует специальных знаний HTML, автоматически редактирует картинки, подгоняет их размер, позволяет вводить описания, использовать различные шаблоны.Умеет загружать готовые материалы по FTP и отсылать по электронной почте.Работает в пошаговом режиме (wizard-style).ReaGallery Pro is wizard-style software to create HTML photo galleries with your images.It takes your pictures, edits them, automatically creates HTML pages and slideshows for the web, home or CD, saves, uploads to the web or sends it over e-mail.It has been designed to create professional looking image galleries.You can choose from many templates to create your own gallery, customize every single detail and save them for future use.You do not need to know HTML for that.You can take images from different source directories, sort them, edit, display text descriptions for each image and thumbnails, and add background sound for any single image.ReaGallery Pro has built in FTP client that helps upload your HTML image galleries on your web-site.With the software you can also zip your galleries and e-mail them.It is one of the most flexible tools in its class and great for power users.If you have some knowledge of HTML, you can customize absolutely everything, including page layouts and style sheets; add links to outside pages and more.