Описание Liverdance Parody v.1.11.1
Liverdance Parody v.1.11.1
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Еще один комедийно-пародийный скринсэйвер от Rhode Island Soft Systems.На сей раз - танцующая печень...Видимо с алкоголем не только у нас проблемы... А смотрится забавно.The makers of Hey, Macaroni! are now taking on the Celtic culture with the wacky new Liverdance Screen Saver.Watch the squadron of talented Irish livers who magically come to life here.The screen saver opens with a shower of livers which land in a squish and lie about without any inspiration.Suddenly, an anthropomorphic liver wearing a Celtic vest and an air of unmistakable charm appears on the scene.As fast as this charismatic liver snaps his fingers, the inanimate livers suddenly grow eyes and limbs.The soundtrack vibrates with the invigorating magic of Celtic music as the livers perform precision Irish step dancing.