Описание 1 v.2Ghosts Wash 7.077.07
1 v.2Ghosts Wash 7.077.07
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Программа для удаления следов вашего пользования компьютером.Удаляет кучу всего: историю документов и страниц, записи в реестре, временные файлы и т.д. и т.п.Если какой-то файл заблокирован (например, используется программой), то он будет удален после перезагрузки.Эта одна из утилит комплекта 12Ghosts PRO Offers secrecy and concealment for visited websites and files used during a Windows session.It clears everything with just one click, or even automatically at startup, shutdown, or at a certain time of day. 12-Wash removes tracks deliberately, even where other programs fail, for example, cleaning out traces in the registry.And with the integrated shredder, no trails are being left over of any compromising or confidential information.Removes your Internet history in Internet Explorer and Netscape.Clears the address list drop-down, cached files, history and cookies.In Windows it clears the TEMP folder and Recycle Bin, the run history, recent documents, and find files history.It also deletes locked files ("index.dat" and files that are in use by applications). 12-Wash tries to close these applications prior to deleting them.If that does not work 12-Wash will queue deletion for the next Windows restart.There are more options to clear the list of viewed files in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, and FrontPage, as well as smaller apps like ACDSee, WinZip, or CuteFTP.And you may extend the washing with any user defined item.Personal files, folders (with wildcards and subfolders, for example all *.chk and *.tmp files), and individual registry keys or values are cleared automatically.Maintains your privacy by not allowing others to see which web sites you have visited or what you have done in Windows.Really small download, only 450 KB.