Описание WinDriver Ghost v.2.002.00
WinDriver Ghost v.2.002.00
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Сколько раз переустанавливая систему, вы обнаруживали что дискета с драйверами к, скажем, модему потерялась, а без модема в Интернет вам не выйти?...Эта утилита позволяет создавать резервные копии всех драйверов в системе и восстанавливать их.WinDriver Ghost provides you the easy and fast detection, backup and restore of the entire hardware device drivers currently on your system.With it, you can even find the latest drivers for your hardware and install them onto your computer.Just one or two mouse button clicks, you will have all your hardware devices extracted and backuped to any folder you want.When you reinstall or upgrade your system, you can restore them by clicking a button, after reboot once, all the drivers will be installed and will function well.Also you may choose to backup a certain driver or the entire drivers to an EXE automatic installer.If you have a hardware that is troublesome, just remove it with the software.