Описание S-YXG v.50 4.04.0
S-YXG v.50 4.04.0
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Програмный эмулятор WaveTable Yamaha.Игает файлы .mid и .rmi намного круче чем AWE32.Сильно загружает CPU.iP166 MMX - рекомендуется.Можно настроить и на P100 (хотя рекомендуется P166 MMX (В "Панели управления" появляется опция настройки ее драйвера).Optimised code allows the SoftSynthesizer to run at 44.1KHz 16bit resolution with full effects processing on MMX & above PCs, features scaleable CPU and response time (response time can now be set to as low as 80ms or as high as 400ms).Full direct sound support is also featured for faster response and better operation in games.The software offers 676 fully programmable voices, 21 fully programmable drum kits (GM/TG300B & full XG), and a staggering 3 parallel 24 bit resolution effects busses.The S-YXG50 has won the prestigious readers award for BEST SOUND SOFTWARE, in PCFORMAT magazine.This award means a lot to our team of hard working programmers and designers, as it comes from you...the public, and is a true vindication of our policy to not charge the earth for what is now officially the best SoftSynthesizer on the market.