Описание Multimedia Xplorer v.
Multimedia Xplorer v.
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Весьма мощная программа.Может показывать картинки в самых разных форматах (JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP, WMF, EMF, PCX, ICO, CUR) и конвертировать бит-мэпы в них или в формат Windows лого (320х400х256), причем несколько за раз.Может играть звуки (WAV, MID, RMI, AIFF, AU, SND, MP2) и видео (AVI, MPEG, MOV), показывать слайд-шоу, вытаскивать иконки из .exe и .dll файлов и т.д. и т.п.Стоит того, чтобы попробовать...Multimedia Xplorer is the application for handling most types of multimedia files including images, sounds, videos and icons.The main idea is to provide ONE application that handles all these different media types easily so there is no need to deal with different programs.Multimedia Xplorer looks a bit like the Windows Explorer, but it uses advanced features to make your file management and browsing much more fun.If you know how to work with the Windows Explorer, then you already know how to use the basic functionality of Multimedia Xplorer.And, you can use most of your shell context-menu extensions like WinZip, U-Lead SmartSavers, PowerToys, FileTargets etc.on files you browse directly from Multimedia Xplorer!