Описание KS-CCS v.1.051.05
KS-CCS v.1.051.05
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Программа для слежения за состоянием каналов АТС фирмы HARRIS а также для автоматического исправления некоторых ошибок.The system of control the channels use for the automatic phone stations HARRIS and also for automatic correct some mistakes (for example, if status channel is “busy”, but channel is not connect then in this case software can correct mistake).Select the desired channel can control detail information about status and managing (commands : Connect, Restore, Remove, Test, etc).System keep information about events: connect and disconnect with station, about appear breakdown channels and actions of operator, etc.Control time every event.Can select, which status of channels to compute as breakdown.If any channel change to breakdown, will be color new error and sound (wav file).Need press button [ClrErr] in window of channel status.One time system can use with one PBX, but possibility start few programs in difference windows.In this case determine is amount COM ports of computer (one port - one PBX).