Описание ToggleMINIMIZE v.
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Симпатичная утилитка, которая позволяет при минимизировании программ, помещать их не на таскбаре, а на системной панели (рядом с часами) в виде иконки.ToggleMINIMIZE is a handy little application that helps reduce the clutter on your task bar.With ToggleMINIMIZE installed, when you minimize an application its icon appears on the right side of the tray beside the clock instead of taking up room on the main task bar area.To restore a minimized application, just click on its icon.See the bottom of this page for an example of how ToggleMINIMIZE organizes your minimized applications so you can focus on the ones you are working with.New in Version 2.0!